Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Break!

I've had such a great time this week on spring break. I can't believe it's almost over, but on the bright side Bo comes in 5 weeks (or sooner - fingers crossed).
32 Weeks

34 Weeks - sorry about the shirt change - I didn't feel like changing. :) I thought I might have grown, but wow I'm a lot bigger!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Homemade and Freebies

I decided that with all the hats I've made, I had better make a hat for my own baby! Actually I made two. I forgot what size loom I used to make the newborn hats and ended up using the loom for 3-6 months hats. After I was done I realized that it was too big and that my baby's head better NOT be that big! The newborn loom seemed really small, but when I was done the hat was the right size - just big and stretchy enough for a newborn head. I liked how the colors turned out - light green and brown.

                                                Here is sock monkey wearing the newborn hat.
This is basically the same hat that my nephew Mason wore in his newborn pictures. I'm taking it with me to the hospital and hopefully when they do the hospital photo shoot he can wear it.

Now on to the freebies! I've been signing up to receive free printable coupons in my email and have been getting some other offers too. I usually delete most of them, but one caught my eye. It was for a free breast feeding cover. I went to their site and checked it out. It was actually legitimate! All I had to do was pay the shipping and handling and I got a $32 "Udder Cover" for free! It came in the mail two days ago and I'm really pumped about it!
It has a light blue design and I would have liked a darker pattern, but they only had a few to choose from in the "free" category. You can't expect everything to be perfect since it was free. :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

30 weeks, 32 weeks, and a head down baby

Since going to the hospital, I've been having Braxton Hicks contractions on and off, sometimes every five minutes. I had a doctors appointment on Monday but she didn't seem worried about it. She did say that Bo's head is down but that it doesn't really mean anything. I don't know if that's the truth or if she didn't want me to stress out. Bo is definitely lower and I'm having to go the bathroom every ten minutes. It's also a weird feeling when he is patting the "floor" next to his head. It's kind of like he's saying, "knock, knock I'm ready to come out!" One good thing about him being head down is now when he moves around I know the lump toward the top of my stomach is his bottom. I give him little spankings, just getting him ready for the real thing when he's older. lol.

30 Weeks

32 Weeks

A trip to the hospital

A lot has happened in the last few weeks. Last Monday I ended up having to go to the hospital due to being dehydrated. I thought I had food poisoning (found out later it was going around school) and after vomiting for nine hours I called my doctors office. They told me to get to the ER. When I got to the ER they shipped me off to labor and delivery. I was given an IV and pumped full of liquids and anti-nausea medicine. It was amazing how fast I felt better. After a couple of hours I thought I was good to go, only to be told that I was having contractions! They were coming consistently and even though I couldn't feel them, they couldn't release me until the contractions had stopped. More fluids didn't work so they ended up giving me some medicine that is supposed to stop contractions. Ironically it's the same med. they give you for pain before you can get an epidural. Strange, I know. Anyway I've decided I can never be a drug addict, because narcotics and I do NOT get along! The second they put the medicine in my IV it felt like fire was snaking it's way up my arm. I was sweating horribly and the room started spinning. My eyes got very heavy and I was nauseated even though I had anti-nausea medicine. There was a nurse change over and the new nurse started asking me questions. I felt like I was in a coma, I could hear the questions, but could not open my eyes or talk. Needless to say this stuff made me feel almost worse than the stomach thing that started it all. Ten that night we finally got to go home. It was a long day!