Tuesday, April 30, 2013

2nd Birthday Extravaganza!

Bo turned 2 on Tuesday and on Saturday we celebrated with a big construction themed birthday party. All of our family and friends came over to celebrate. 

Bo up from his nap and ready to party!
Ava was ready to party too!
The girls playing. I have a feeling there will be a lot more of this in the future. 
I love the look on their faces. We must have been making funny noises and faces. 
Bo's construction cake
Bo trying really hard to blow out his candle. He did finally get it. 

Happy boy after his cake and ice cream!

Hitting his piñata. Bo was a little frantic when the big kids started tearing his tractor apart.

It turned out to be a super fun birthday party and Bo had a great time. Thank you to all who came to celebrate!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


What a busy weekend we had last weekend! We started it off on Saturday morning with our church's Easter egg hunt. There were a ton of kids and Bo had a blast. His most favorite thing at the carnival after the hunt was the basketball shooting game. He didn't want to use a little ball. He had to use the full size basketball. He never got close but had fun trying. They also kept trying to give him a prize for trying, but he didn't want one, he just wanted to keep shooting. After naps that day we dyed eggs. Bo wasn't that interested but ever since has been obsessed with eating the Easter eggs. 
Chillin' and watching all the kids. 
Bo ready to eat his "Easter" (Easter egg candy)

Dying eggs
Our eggs

Sunday morning Bo came downstairs to find his Easter basket and a few hidden eggs.

Chocolate basketballs, soccer balls, and baseballs.
Daddy and Ava watching Bo "hunt" eggs in the living room.
Pretty girl

After church we headed to David's parents house for lunch and more egg hunting. There were 11 kids hunting eggs!
Bo grabbing up eggs

We stopped at home for a quick nap before we headed to my Grandma Stude's house for dinner. Unlike the last egg hunt, Bo was the only kid hunting. He has fun hunting eggs wether he's 1 of 30 or by himself. 

Can you spot the egg he's running after?

He's a little spoiled - can you tell?

Ava likes Easter eggs too.