Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Ava!

I can not believe our little princess peanut is 2! How did that happen?! 

Waking up on her birthday party day
Ava sneaking up the stairs on her 1st birthday
Ava sneaking down the stairs on her 2nd birthday

Ava had a great time at her birthday party. She loved opening presents and her reaction to the gifts were priceless. Thank you for all who came! It was so fun!
Waiting for presents
I don't know what she's looking at, but whatever it is, she likes it!
A fun horse in a purse from Aunt Crystal
That face cracks me up
Ava was super excited to blow out her candles. She sang herself Happy Birthday and practiced blowing out her candles all week. 
She did it!
Ready to eat her cupcake cone
This isn't at her party, but the day after. I just love her smile and the fact she loves getting her picture taken.
Love these two!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Drum Roll Please - Baby Bass #3 is a…..

Today we found out the gender of our baby! We thought it would be fun to get the kids in on the action  of revealing it. We got a small piñata and filled it with either pink or blue candy and confetti. 

Ava pulled the first string. Nothing happened.

Bo's turn. Nope.

Another one for Ava. The suspense was killing Bo!

Another turn, another dud.  
Ava tries to find the magic string. Nope!

Does Bo have it this time?

Yep! Hurray! 

Candy everywhere! 

It's a BOY!!!!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

3 years old!? Happy Birthday Bo!

Well this is a little early, but Bo and I had a little time before Ava woke up from her nap, so we took some pre-birthday pictures. I can not believe he is already (almost) 3! 
Here are some stats - 
Bo loves……
Playing outside, playing with cars, and driving his "tractor"
Watching Saved By the Bell, 19 Kids and Counting, and any cartoon 
Eating pizza, hamburgers, grilled chicken, and any kind of fruit
Painting, coloring, and doing "school" work

 Here is a little thing I like to call, Bo Through the Ages.
1 Year Old
2 Years Old
3 Years Old

Here is Bo doing one of his favorite things - playing outside.

Just doing a little diggin'
Digging the holes for our garden
Practicing his swing

Bo at 4 months old
Bo in the same dump truck at 3 years old!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Long Time No See!

It's been awhile since I've posted last. My camera's autofocus on the lens has been broken since Ava's 1st birthday - in September! It is really hard to catch moving children when your camera doesn't focus fast enough to catch them. We finally replaced the lens and we tried it out on a rare nice day recently.
This was taken waaaaay back when Molly was still the same size as Max. Puppy Love!
Enjoying the sunshine!
She won't be this small much longer!
This bubble machine is awesome!
"What is this?"

Best friends!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A New Bass!

Ever since we lost our boxer girl Hallie over a year ago, we've been missing a family member in the dog department. We visited shelter dogs, looked into boxer rescues, but in the end we knew a puppy was best for us. We searched and searched and was lucky enough to find a small breeder. Out of the 7 puppies, one stood out. Now without further ado… Molly!

Molly is super sweet and a really great puppy! I don't know if it's just her or a boxer thing, but she is so obedient. We don't even have to use treats in training her. She follows us around, sitting at our feet, giving kisses, and snuggling. The kids LOVE her and she loves them! 

Ava is kind of obsessed with dog food. We have to watch her close - she will have her hands grabbing that food and shoving in her mouth so fast! 

Ava reading Molly a book.

I would have more pictures, but our camera's autofocus is still broken and it's really hard to capture moving dogs and kids without an autofocus. 
Max kind of ignored Molly when she first came home, but he quickly got over that. I have a feeling they are going to be best buds. Max and Molly love wrestling around, chewing on toys, and chasing each other in the yard. Hopefully I can capture on video Molly's "boxer bounce" when she goes after Max. It's so cute!
I kept trying to take pictures of the puppy and Ava wanted to help. Those eyes kill me! So cute!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Christmas Fun!

Christmas was so much fun this year! Bo totally knew what was going on. It's funny how much more exciting something is when kids are excited. Ava even got in on the fun and enjoyed it all. 

Coming down the stairs, ready to see under the tree! We had not one present under the tree until they were allowed to unwrap them. I didn't feel like rewrapping everything!

"Now where did those cookies and milk go to?"

We won't be able to get away with this when the kids are older, but we made them eat breakfast before presents!  

I love Bo's expression. He really likes his "Woody Buzz" nightlight.

This is probably one of Ava's favorites. They love the cheap stuff!

Ava was almost as excited as Bo was about his cowboy boots.

Bo riding "my bike". I need to get a picture of him riding his bike with the Spiderman mask on.
We also had so much fun with our families, but our camera's autofocus is broken so it makes it less than enjoyable to take it everywhere, so we didn't capture any pictures.