Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Happy Birthday Ava!

I can not believe our little princess peanut is 2! How did that happen?! 

Waking up on her birthday party day
Ava sneaking up the stairs on her 1st birthday
Ava sneaking down the stairs on her 2nd birthday

Ava had a great time at her birthday party. She loved opening presents and her reaction to the gifts were priceless. Thank you for all who came! It was so fun!
Waiting for presents
I don't know what she's looking at, but whatever it is, she likes it!
A fun horse in a purse from Aunt Crystal
That face cracks me up
Ava was super excited to blow out her candles. She sang herself Happy Birthday and practiced blowing out her candles all week. 
She did it!
Ready to eat her cupcake cone
This isn't at her party, but the day after. I just love her smile and the fact she loves getting her picture taken.
Love these two!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Drum Roll Please - Baby Bass #3 is a…..

Today we found out the gender of our baby! We thought it would be fun to get the kids in on the action  of revealing it. We got a small piñata and filled it with either pink or blue candy and confetti. 

Ava pulled the first string. Nothing happened.

Bo's turn. Nope.

Another one for Ava. The suspense was killing Bo!

Another turn, another dud.  
Ava tries to find the magic string. Nope!

Does Bo have it this time?

Yep! Hurray! 

Candy everywhere! 

It's a BOY!!!!